What Can A Recovery Coach Do For You?

As a recovery coach for Black and BIPOC clients, I am here to provide you with compassionate, non-judgmental support. My goal is to empower you and help you find the best ways to heal from eating disorders, body image issues, assertiveness/boundaries struggles, or relationship challenges.

What a Coach for Body Image, Disordered Eating, Conflict, Boundaries, and Assertive Communication Can Do For You

I can offer guidance and assistance as you take the steps needed to make meaningful changes in your life. I can provide support through:

  • Helping you define and reach goals

  • Creating a plan tailored to your specific needs

  • Encouraging healthy coping skills

  • Working with professionals such as dieticians, therapists, psychiatrists, or other mental health professionals

  • Assessing and analyzing your progress, so you can see the full scope of how far you've come.

Think of a Recovery Coach Like This...

Having a recovery coach is like having someone in your corner. I will help to build on your strengths and be there for each step of the journey. My role is to provide accountability, guidance, and support. I am here to listen without judgment and offer non-judgmental feedback. Together we will create a plan that works for you so that you can begin to work on the issues at hand in the most effective way possible.

Here is What a Recovery Coach is Not...

A recovery coach is not a therapist or psychiatrist. We are advocates for our clients and provide guidance, support, and accountability. We do not provide mental health treatment, prescribe medications, or advice. As your Recovery Coach I am here to work with you as together we create strategies that will help you find the best way forward.

If you need a referral

If while working together you do display signs of a need for a higher level of care we will discuss this and I will help you find resources and refer you out to someone I trust and have connections with so you know you are in good hands. All this does is make sure you are getting the best level of care so you can grow and heal. I care more about your recovery than making sure I have enough clients to get paid.

What You Should Know About Levels of Care:

Before you commit to working with a Recovery Coach, it is important to understand that there are several levels of care for mental health and eating disorder treatment. While I can work in tangent with a dietician, therapist, psychiatrist, or other professionals, it is important for you to do your research about what level of care will work best for you.

Psychiatrists Who work with ED and Mental Health:

These professionals provide the highest level of care. Psychiatrists can diagnose mental disorders and prescribe medications to treat them. They are trained in talking therapy as well, which is done in conjunction with medication if needed for your individual treatment plan.


A dietician specializes in nutrition, which is beneficial for those who are struggling with disordered eating. A dietician helps to create a meal plan that is tailored to your individual needs and dietary needs and can help you learn to make food choices that support your health goals.


Nutritionists provide guidance and education about nutrition, diet, and lifestyle changes. They do not diagnose or treat any medical condition but can help by giving advice about how to eat healthier and make better food choices.

Therapists ( Where My Level of Expertise Lies)

Therapists are trained in talking therapy which is determined by your needs and diagnosis. Therapists provide insight, support, and guidance, and work with the individual to help facilitate change. Note that while I am a therapist in another setting who works with all of these issues, I am doing deeper therapeutic work. I cannot be your therapist if you choose to work with me as a coach, and likewise, if you are a coaching client and choose therapy I cannot be your therapist. I will happily refer you to a professional who can support you.

In Patient Programs

Inpatient programs provide a comprehensive level of care. These are typically located in hospitals and offer individualized, medically monitored treatment for those seeking higher levels of care for their eating disorder or mental health condition.

Out Patient Programs

Outpatient programs are typically located in an office setting and provide care for those seeking treatment without the need for a higher level of care. This type of treatment is often beneficial for those who may not require full-time hospitalization, but still need more intensive help than can be provided through individual therapy or coaching.

Support Groups

Support groups are a great addition to any treatment plan. They can provide an additional level of support, and camaraderie understanding for those who may be struggling with similar issues these types of programs is and often free or low-cost.

Resources for ED in Mid-Missouri

If you are looking for additional resources in the mid-Missouri area, here is a list of organizations that provide support and treatment options. If you would like help finding a specific resource, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

As a recovery coach, I am here to support you on your journey toward healing. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information. I look forward to working with you! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about eating disorder treatment options and resources. With support, compassion, and understanding, recovery is possible.

Begin Working with Me in An Executive Coaching Curated Package for ED or Get on My Waitlist for the Love Your Bod-Ease Course Coming Soon!

If you’re ready to get started in working with me as a recovery coach for eating disorders, body image, assertiveness/boundaries, and relationships, I offer several curated packages. These packages are tailored to each individual's needs and can help facilitate the healing process. Additionally, I am working on creating a course called Love Your Bod-Ease that will be available soon. If you would like to get on the waitlist for this course, please contact me and I would be happy to add you.